Fun show! Fixed my technical problems from the previous show.
In this episode we start playing Simon the Sorcerer in ScummVM and do other fun random things!
Fun show! Fixed my technical problems from the previous show.
In this episode we start playing Simon the Sorcerer in ScummVM and do other fun random things!
Tags: Roland Fantom XR, Roland MT-32, Roland Sound Canvas, Roland XV-5080, ScummVM, Simon the Sorcerer, Video Game Music Remixes, Yamaha XG
Posting this show against my better judgement… I didn’t realize that I was not transmitting TeamTalk over the stream until after the show! GRR!
Just another reason more people should IM us, join us on TeamTalk, and/or I should get a damn phone patch!
Anyway, enjoy me talking to myself like a crazy insane person for a couple hours!
Tags: "SAXOPHONE!!!", Killer Instinct - Tusk Remix, Roland Fantom XR, Roland Sound Canvas, Roland XV-5080, Super Mario World Remix, Video Game Music Remixes, Yamaha MU128, Yamaha XG
Last night was a bit of a scramble for me. I wasn’t able to prepare for the show properly due to some real life circumstances. However, we got through listening to a bunch of my different synthesizers playing some of the same tracks to see how they compared in General MIDI sound.
Most of the comparisons were not really intended to be very objective, just a showcase of how the different synths may play things. I might try to do something more objective in the future.
Overall, I think the show turned out OK. It’s a very raw show with me running about plugging in different synths. I forgot to lay in some background beds when I was just talking, I’ll try to remember that in the future, and always have something for background.
Tags: Fantom XR, General MIDI, Korg, MT-32, MU128, Roland, Roland GS, SC-55mkII, SC-88, SC-8820, Synthesizer Comparisons, X5DR, XV-5080, Yamaha, Yamaha XG
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