Here’s some music from the totally crazy arcade rail shooter Carnevil
The first two tracks are recreations by myself.

Here’s some music from the totally crazy arcade rail shooter Carnevil
The first two tracks are recreations by myself.
Tags: Arcade, Carnevil, Roland Cloud, Video Game Music Remixes
Aug 30
Posted by Andrew in Show Archives | Comments off
In this episode we play a whole bunch of MIDI, both GM, Roland GS, and Yamaha XG. Even some really old remixes I did using my old PSR-530 (played from the MU128 in this case). After that we continue playing through The Neverhood Chronicles and complete the game! It was a fun show, there are some other surprises in there as well…
In this episode, we started playing through Simon the Sorcerer 2. Then play some fun MIDI music, and I forget what else…
Tags: MIDI Music, Roland Fantom XR, Roland MT-32, Roland SC-8850, Roland Sound Canvas, Roland XV-5080, Simon the Sorcerer 2, Video Game Music Remixes
Fun show! We played a bunch of random stuff and then The Duke Nukem Forever Demo!
Tags: Duke Nukem Forever Demo, Movie Theme MIDI, Roland Fantom XR, Roland SC-55mkII, Roland SC-8850, Roland Sound Canvas, Roland XV-5080, Video Game Music Remixes
May 31
Posted by Andrew in Show Archives | Comments off
We beat “Simon the Sorcerer” in this episode, quicker than anticipated. Afterword we mess about for a few hours! Played a whole lot of different MIDI music. It was a pretty fun show. Enjoy!
Tags: Korg X5DR, Movie Theme MIDI, Roland Fantom XR, Roland MT-32, Roland SC-8850, Roland XV-5080, Simon the Sorcerer, Video Game Music Remixes, Yamaha MU128
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