Here we have a collection of utilities for the MT-32, LAPC-1, CM-32L, MT-100, and CM-64. We’re always looking for more to add to this library, so drop us a line if you know of any!
We do not endorse nor support any of the programs or utilities found on this page. We are only providing a means in which you may obtain them.
FM Software’s SysEx dumping utility for DOS. Allows you to send System Exclusive files from the DOS prompt. |
My favorite DOS-based MT-32 editor! This program is no longer available from the publisher, Lilly Freelance Software, and that’s a shame. For anyone with a MT-32 who likes to work with patch banks, this is the software to have! Unfortunately, I can’t include the rather large manual, which provides an extensive and exhaustive reference to everything one would want to know about the MT-32. |
M32-to-SYX |
Rolf Hopkins’ patch bank file utility converts Dr.T’s .M32 files to standard SysEx (.SYX) format. Unlike some SysEx bank utilities, all areas of the MT-32 are included, including the LCD display! Excellent program that’s very easy to use. |
GM MT-32 IDF |
A General MIDI Instrument Definition File for Windows 9x/ME. Remaps the MT-32 to a General MIDI configuration. |
An Instrument Definition File by Rolf Hopkins for Windows 9x which corrects problems with the percussion channel mapping of the “General IDF” file. Complete directions are included. |
If you have a sound card using a MIDI port address other than 330H (i.e. 300H), you can use this program to change the address in most Sierra DOS-based games released from 1990-1995 (King’s Quest IV and later.) Benjamin Carter’s MIDI Port Changer changes to any port number and has the familiar Sierra-style interface. |
Another utility program from Anders Olsson which enables MIDI support for Sierra’s AGI adventures. Works like a charm, but be sure to read the included documentation for proper use and limitations. |
This driver corrects problems with some high-resolution Sierra games that support both MT-32 and DAC playback. |
A standard of System Exclusive utilities. Transmits and receives standard SysEx patch banks. Includes “WSysEx,” a 16-bit Windows SysEx utility. |
A utility from Roland Corporation which remaps the MT-32 to General MIDI. Includes 64 new sounds, plus additional drum sets. |
A simple System Exclusive file designed and submitted by Rolf Hopkins which resets the MT-32 to its’ default timbres. A useful function for LAPC-1 owners who would otherwise have to reset their computer to accomplish this. |
A quick and easy command line MIDI file player that works great. From FM Software. |
A must have for fast, command-line transmission of “Dr.T” (M32) format patch banks to the MT-32. |
L/A Synth |
A Windows 3x/9x/ME based patch editor and librarian for the MT-32, LAPC-1, CM-32L, CM-64, and D-110 synths. Saves and loads standard SysEx banks. |
GS Play |
An excellent freeware command-line MIDI file player by Mark Fontana. Handles MIDI files containing embedded SysEx data well. Includes special support for the Roland SC-88. |
Voyetra’s flag ship sequencer for DOS, and still my favorite for quick and easy MIDI editing. |
Cakewalk Pro v3.01 |
This old Windows 3.1 sequencer was one of the first, but I find it still very useful for recording MIDI data. |
A collection of dozens of Sierra patches, all easily accessible from a simple to use graphical DOS menu. The SIERRA SOUND LIBRARY, by Marc Vandenhende of Belgium, allows you to preview MT-32 custom sounds used in many of Sierra’s adventure games. This can be very useful when looking for a particular patch to use in making your own custom patch banks. The program also allows export of the sounds to a couple of patch bank formats. |
A companion to the “Patch Banks — How To” tutorial found on the MT-32 Documents page. |
The purpose of this utility is to test and try SysEx (or any other MIDI message ) with your synths or other MIDI devices. You can also use it as a means to change some settings of your synth or MIDI device. Furthermore it may serve as a MIDI monitor or as a handler for MIDI bulk dumps. |
MIDI-OX 7.0 is a Windows XP (also Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000*) program. MIDI-OX is a multi-purpose tool: it is both a diagnostic tool and a System Exclusive utility. It can perform filtering of MIDI data streams. It displays incoming MIDI streams, and passes the data to a MIDI output driver or the MIDI Mapper. It can convert any type of MIDI message into almost any other type of MIDI message. You can generate MIDI data using the computer keyboard or the built-in control panel. You can even record and log MIDI data and then convert it to a Standard MIDI File for playback by a sequencer. * Note to Linux users: Using the “cat file.syx >/dev/midi00” command sends the contents of “file.syx” to your MIDI port. (Substitute ‘midi00’ with the correct designation of your MIDI port. |