The Silpheed soundtrack by Nobuyuki Aoshima, Mecano Associates, Hibiki Godai, Fumihito Kasatani, and Hiromi Ohba. MIDI arrangements by Mark Seibert. As recorded from the original Roland MT-32 score by Ignacio Ferreyra (aka Haradan) for Quest Studios.
To download a song, click the icon of the version you want.
The Legend Of Silpheed | |
Silph Of Wind | |
Battlestar Olleyus | |
Entering Fortress | |
King Jupiter | |
Asteroid | |
Battle In Orbit | |
Return Of Xacalite | |
Landing Base | |
Little Moments’ Peace | |
Double Star |
All enhancements and recording performed by Quest Studios unless otherwise indicated.
Copyright ©2005 QUEST STUDIOS. All rights reserved.