King's Quest V vinyl campaign now underway on Qrates

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King's Quest V vinyl campaign now underway on Qrates

Post by Spikey »

Hey folks,

One of several Sierra music projects slated for release in 2022 - Magic Map Studio's KQ5 remastered soundtrack "King's Quest V: Songs of Serenia" - is currently crowdfunding on Qrates.
If you're interested in getting KQ5 on vinyl you can do so here: ... of-serenia
As always with vinyl releases, it is unlikely that this will become available for sale again, so if you're interested please consider purchasing now (and not from scalpers later!).
If you're unable to support the project financially, please consider sharing the project (where appropriate to do so, of course!). Exposure particularly in gaming or Sierra groups currently not covered (mostly the major FB groups so far) is very much appreciated. Contact the project lead on Qrates, myself, or Roberta Vaughan on Facebook if you'd like to help.

If you want a digital copy of the soundtrack, Magic Map Studio will be making it available on Bandcamp shortly, will include info when available.

For more information on this and other Sierra music projects in the works, check out:
- the "Sierra Music and Memories" group on Facebook:
- the "Sierra Music and Memories" Discord:
- the "Space Quest Historian" Discord:
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