Qmidiroute patched for some GS use

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Re: Qmidiroute patched for some GS use

Post by jaffa225man »

I have a new release today and I have decided to increment the version to 0.5.3 at last:
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The build instructions at viewtopic.php?f=4&t=17790#p18511 are still good to follow except for the obvious version number you'd need to substitute in each command that has it.

Darry on this vogons post piqued my interest in adding RA-50->"MT-32 (new)" support with an option to expand All Notes Off messages into the component Note Off messages that would be needed: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?p=1099519#p1099519.

That option diverges from the previous .qmr save format again (the first line needs an extra number separated by a space), but I've updated all my previously included released .qmr's for that too. The Unmatched rule/tab has a new check box to enable the expansion of the All Note Off messages.

In addition to the edits for that purpose, I updated the capital tone fallback in any files that had it to more accurately sub-tone fallback, with what I consider minor improvements:

I set up capital tone (variation 0) fallback for programs 1-120 on variations 64-126, and capital tone fallback for programs 121-127 on every unmatched variation because I wouldn't want silence for anything, although the SC-55 manual documenting it indicates they should be. The one exception, useful for some SC-8850 songs is that program 123, variation 6, which is "Wind 2" on the SC-88Pro and up, falls back to variation 3 ("Wind") instead of its true capital tone fallback of "Seashore". Sub-tone fallback is now used, where these sub-tone variation multiples of 8 exist, for every unmatched variation on programs 1-120.

Also, drum programs 65-127 fallback to STANDARD (pc#1) to emulate my likely valid CM-500's drum fallback. Anyway, again, I wouldn't want silence for anything. :)
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Re: Qmidiroute patched for some GS use

Post by jaffa225man »

I have another release at last, almost a year later!
Here is version 0.5.4:
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When asked to capture the INTEGRA-7's SuperNATURAL conversion of the Age of Empires soundtrack on a vogons private message, I realized that its Bag Pipes were being set lower than I'm used to on the Sound Canvas modules. It had to do with CC#7 setting the volume too low, and maximizing the velocities of notes on the SuperNATURAL Bag Pipes wasn't enough. Now there's a "Volume (CC#7) Multiplier" below the aforementioned "Velocity Multiplier" on the Output side for rules that output Program Forward and Drum Forward. For the Bag Pipes I settled on 2.00 times the set volume, and although it was only tested on the AOE soundtrack I expect it will be valid for most GM/GS/XG files using the SN-A Bag Pipes on the INTEGRA-7. Sadly, this again means that previous .qmr save files are incompatible, unless every rule has a new line containing only a 1, between the velocity multiplier's line and the input SysEx message text line. Of course, again, I've updated all my included .qmr files with this change.

Edit 2023-09-23 I hadn't considered before that the default volume of each part is set to a standard on each reset command (MT-32, GM1, GM2, GS, & XG). So I made a slight modification and updated the files without changing the version. The prior 0.5.4 version wouldn't use the Volume Multiplier when no CC#7 was received, but this change corrects that. The MT-32 resets each part volume to 80/100, while all the rest of the reset types set part volumes to 100/127. With this in mind, the MT-32-for-GS.qmr file also contains an update to provide proper volume conversion (the Volume Multiplier set to 1.27 for every forwarded program and drum).

Aside from that, this is the first release that I verified will compile on raspbian using the same method that I suggest at viewtopic.php?p=18511#p18511.

Newer and likely older versions of raspbian should work, although my raspberry pi is using version 8.0, according to /etc/debian_version on it.

It still builds on my amd64 Debian install too, which is my main use, so it's a must for me.

Enjoy! :)
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