Still Here…

Hey all.  Sorry for the extended delay in updates and continuing lack of shows.

I am still in the process of moving all my stuff to my new house.  I have my main computer up and running, but still need to get all the audio equipment over here.

The work continues.

The MIDI Music Adventure Show WILL return…

Stay tuned!


Sorry, no show again today either…

Hey all,

I really wanted to do a show today but I’m just too exhausted from working around the new house. Things are coming along nicely and we should be finally moved in before Christmas.

Stay tuned for updates, we shall return to haunt you! Do you hear me? WE SHALL RETURN!!!


Out today due to PPV and housework..

Sorry all, no show today either.. WE WILL RETURN SOON!!!

Survivor Series is tonight and we are gonna be catching that.

Moving into the new house is still progressing well.

Stay tuned!

No show today…

Sorry for the lack of updates still. I am in the process of starting to move to my new house!

No show today. Stay tuned for more soon!

No show today. Cleaning up my new house!

Sorry folks. still AWOL here. I am cleaning up my new house.. Hopefully we will have enough moved/cleaned soon that I can get back to broadcasting.

Stay tuned!!!

Also, just want to say thanks to my small but dedicated listeners for sticking with me since the beginning on this little project we call The MIDI Music Adventure Show!!!


Be back soon!
