Episode 158: Broken Age Act 1

“New Shows” for the archive!

So… I finally got around to encoding the last batch of shows that I’ve been to busy or lazy to upload in the past 6+ months.

Sorry about that! I swear we will start doing new shows soon…

However, as you probably have noticed, there is a lot of new things going on here with the site as of late. Our new section, “The QuestStudios Archive” is coming along nicely. If you have not checked it out yet, I suggest you go there now!


In this episode we play the Double Fine Adventure, Broken Age Act 1.


Download Episode 158!

Episode 157: Alien from LA

“New Shows” for the archive!

So… I finally got around to encoding the last batch of shows that I’ve been to busy or lazy to upload in the past 6+ months.

Sorry about that! I swear we will start doing new shows soon…

However, as you probably have noticed, there is a lot of new things going on here with the site as of late. Our new section, “The QuestStudios Archive” is coming along nicely. If you have not checked it out yet, I suggest you go there now!


In this episode we watch/listen to the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode “Alien from LA”.


Download Episode 157!

Episode 156: More Wolfenstein…

“New Shows” for the archive!

So…  I finally got around to encoding the last batch of shows that I’ve been to busy or lazy to upload in the past 6+ months.

Sorry about that!  I swear we will start doing new shows soon…

However, as you probably have noticed, there is a lot of new things going on here with the site as of late.  Our new section, “The QuestStudios Archive” is coming along nicely.  If you have not checked it out yet, I suggest you go there now!


In this episode we play more Wolfenstein: The New Order.


Download Episode 156!

Moving site to HTTPS (UDPATED AGAIN)

Hey all,

I am moving the site to HTTPS to better serve you all.  I am running into what looks like a theme issue somewhere.  I am working on it.  stay tuned.

UPDATE:  I am going to have to take a deeper dive through why I’m  having an issue than I thought to get the site running completely over HTTPS…

For now, I have resigned to configuring WordPress to handle all logins, editing, administration over HTTPS.  In the future I might delete and recreate the site “new” in HTTPS and import exact same data, etc… which would probably fix it.

UPDATE2:  The message board should be working fully over HTTPS now.  Yes, by the way, we have a message board now!  (for anyone that has not checked out some of our other new content 🙂 )

We will be back soon…

Hello friends!

Once again just wanted to say that I am still around.  I hope to return to broadcasting in the next month or two, or sooner if possible.

I’m sorry it has taken so long…

The MIDI Music Adventure Show, and more, will be back soon!

Stay tuned…
