Episode 76: The Pox is a Lie!!!

After a few technical issues that were out of my control we had a pretty fun show and finish Chapter 4 of Tales of Monkey Island in this show!

There were a few hiccups where the recording skips a few seconds here and there..  I still don’t know why that happens, I’ll be updating the MOTU drivers this weekend so maybe that will go away.


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Expect last couple shows to be uploaded tonight.

Sorry for the delay.  Been busy with a new job among other things.

I expect to be able to upload the last few shows to the site later tonight.

Stay tuned!  🙂

Episode 75: Plankton Can Speak Manatee?

In this show we finish Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 3: Lair of the Leviathan and start Chapter 4: The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood!

Fun show, and almost no technical issues!  Yay!


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Episode 74: Tibetan Tickle Torture!

In this show we continue playing Tales of Monkey Island Chapter 3: Lair of the Leviathan.  There were a few technical issues which resulted in a couple breaks in the archive continuity, but otherwise a fun show!

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Episode 73: Give her the old Scurvy Buttons!™

Our first show at our new time of 5PM-7PM!

In the first hour we finish the 2nd episode of of Tales of Monkey Island: The Siege of Spinner Cay.  After that we start the third episode: Lair of the Leviathan.  Fun ensues!  Also, we are joined by various cool people on TeamTalk.


Download the Podcast!


EDIT:  looks like the archive recording skips forward a few times, I don’t know why, sorry about that.  🙁  I think I need faster hard drives…
