It has occurred to me that I don’t seem to have ever posted “officially” my old Doom and Doom 2 SC-8850 MIDI remixes! This soundtrack, which I titled: “Doom Revisited”, consists of the complete soundtrack to Doom and most of the soundtrack to Doom 2. The recordings are straight from my Roland SC-8850 with no other editing. When I made these remixes, I directly ripped the MUS/LUMP’s from the DOOM Wad files and converted them to MIDI myself.
I recorded these all between April 28th and May 17 2009. If memory serves, I was really getting into programming the MFX of my Roland SC-8850, particularly the Guitar Amp Simulator effects. My sonic/tonal goal, was not to achieve some sort of “total realism” but a cool sounding balance in the middle. I think that was achieved and I have always been very happy with these remixes. I hope you enjoy them as well.
Also provided are my original MIDI files from these remixes. One of the MIDI’s however, Doom 2 – Countdown to Death, is in old Cakewalk .WRK format, as that song utilized 30 MIDI channels instead of the usual 16!
Doom Revisited
Doom 2 Revisited
Doom Revisited MIDI’s
Download my Doom Revisited MIDI files! (ZIP Archive) |
To download a song, click the icon of the version you want.
Doom Revisited
Doom Title Screen Theme |
At Doom’s Gate |
The Imp’s Song |
Dark Halls |
Kitchen Ace (And Taking Names) |
Suspense |
On the Hunt |
Demons on the Prey |
Sign of Evil |
Hiding the Secrets |
I Sawed the Demons |
The Demons From Adrian’s Pen |
They’re Going To Get You |
Sinister |
Waltz of the Demons |
Nobody Told Me About id |
Untitled (Mouth for War) |
Donna to the Rescue |
Deep Into the Code |
Facing the Spider |
Intermission from Doom |
Endgame Music – The Bunny Theme! |
Victory Music |
Doom 2 Revisited
Doom 2 Title Screen Theme |
Running from Evil |
Countdown to Death |
Between Levels |
Doom |
Shawn’s Got the Shotgun |
The Dave D. Taylor Blues |
Into Sandy’s City |
The Demon’s Dead |
Waiting for Romero to Play |
Message for the Archvile |
Bye Bye American Pie |
Adrian’s Asleep |
Evil Incarnate |
Intermission from Doom 2 |
Doom 2 Endgame Music – ReadMe! |
Tags: Doom (game series), Doom 2 Soundtrack, Doom Music Remixes, Doom Soundtrack, Roland SC-8850