Episode 126: What is the Simulation? AKA It’s not the Matrix I swear!

In this episode, we start playing Saints Row IV.  A very fun totally over the top game!  Just have a listen!


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Episode 125: Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Yak, Yak, Yak, Yak!

First things first, in this episode, believe it or not, we do not discuss the martian language from the movie Mars Attacks!  Instead we finish Episode 3 of Sam and Max Season 1!

As usual, hilarity ensues.


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Episode 124: Meet the NVIDIA Shield!

Sorry for the delayed updates here…  No excuse other than the usual ‘too busy with work and stuff and things…’.

Anyway, In this episode we play with the new NVidia Shield!  It’s a really cool new android-based game console from NVidia.  You should get one!

We play, or try to play a whole bunch of cool games on it.  Enjoy!

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No show today…

No show today as i have been busy helping my sister move.  check back next week for mote updates.

Episode 123: Let’s Play: Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition!

In this show we play the PC version of the latest Mortal Kombat game!  We get of to a slow start due to technical difficulties so you get to hear my cry about that haha!  Fun ensues once we get the game going!


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